Maintenance | Make Your Property an Attractive Site for Investors and Tenants

Proper care of your property enables you to achieve your desired profitability goals and maintain or even increase its market value. At Satel Realty, we offer our extensive expertise in property maintenance services. Our highly competent and experienced maintenance supervisors provide hotel-level and standard interior maintenance services for owners and tenants, preparing a yearly follow-up schedule for the property and presenting it to the owner. This helps minimize breakdowns and ensures high-quality services for tenants, resulting in a high-quality environment.

1- Urgent Consumable Maintenance:

  • Property preparation before rental

  • Plumbing maintenance support for tenants, excluding materials

  • Electrical maintenance support for tenants, excluding materials

  • Maintenance upon tenant's reception, including painting, plumbing, electrical, and cleaning

  • Leak repairs

  • Electrical short circuits

2- Periodic Maintenance (every 3 or 6 months):

Our specialized maintenance team conducts regular maintenance aimed at keeping the property and its facilities in permanently good condition, taking necessary precautions to avoid sudden malfunctions, such as:

  • Cleaning indoor and outdoor air conditioning units

  • Elevator maintenance

  • Ensuring water pump and pressure system safety

  • Checking camera system and monitoring screen integrity

  • Verifying smart entry devices and reactivating them

  • Insecticide spraying

  • Ensuring safety device functionality

  • Verifying parking system effectiveness

  • Changing pool pump filters

  • Landscaping and gardening

  • Lubricating and checking the effectiveness of sports equipment

3- Annual Maintenance:

Our specialized team carries out annual maintenance by replacing consumable parts in the property, such as:

  • Maintaining and replacing hallway, stairwell, and exit lighting

  • Cleaning the property's facade

  • Cleaning and sanitizing upper and lower water tanks

  • Repainting indoor hallways and stairs

  • Civil defense pump testing

What maintenance services does Satel offer?

Key reasons we are the ideal choice for many clients seeking property maintenance services include:

  • Services provided based on scientific principles, advance planning, and continuous monitoring to preserve property, extend its lifespan, and maintain its contents

  • Utilizing the best and latest technologies and methods to reduce periodic and annual maintenance costs

  • Sourcing materials from main suppliers to lower costs

  • Providing periodic reports to owners on property conditions and required maintenance types

Who bears the cost of rented property maintenance, the landlord or the tenant?

Landlords are responsible for periodic maintenance costs, repairs of cracks, water leak fixes, and shared property maintenance. Tenants are responsible for consumable maintenance costs arising from the use of rental units.